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Thijs Standbouw supplies stand construction from A to Z. In addition to the design, we are also involved graphic stand consruction! The job for professionals
Thijs Standbouw supplies stand construction from A to Z. In addition to the design, we are also involved graphic stand consruction! The job for professionals
The hardest part of designing an exhibition or exhibition stand is the graphic part. It take much more to create a successful show than people think, and that is why it is of great importance to have this carried out by real professionals. At Thijs Standbouw, we employe people with years of experience who know best how an excellent exhibition or exhibition stand looks like.
The systems we work with offer endless possibilities for your stand. Think about uniform and individual stand construction, but also the small details that peek around the corner when it comes to a show. Poster panels, registration desks, and lockable meeting rooms are part of them. The graphic stand construction team works on a 2D technical design, a 3D visual, and if wished a total exhibition map. This makes sure we can work on every detail, and you know precisely how your exhibition will look like.

We are also specialized in realizing full-color prints on walls, counters, moldings, and more.
With our in-house print studio, we can print every supplied logo, design, or creation in any size and shape. Your exhibition or exhibition stand comes to life with your designs and is complete on the busy exhibition days!